
Friday, February 03, 2012

I Told You So!

     Yup, I hate to say "I told you so" but...I told you so! I just mentioned in my blog a few weeks ago how the government treat the so called Overseas Filipino Workers or the "Bagong Bayani" (New Heroes) as a new source of graft and corruption and that the OFWs should be called as "Bagong Gatasan/Kotongan" or "New Milking Cows" and here's a new fee increase again for the OFWs.

     It was just announced on TV that the government plans to increase the PhilHealth fees on OFWs next year before they can leave the country and work abroad. The government really is geting very predictable and sucking its citizens dry for their hard earned cash. Imagine the Government as an "Insatiable Vampire" slowly sucking the life blood out of the veins of Juan dela Cruz (common name used to refer to Filipinos). A really thin, malnourished, sickly and dying Juan Dela Cruz at that. Wouldn't you be skinny and dying too if they continue to slowly suck your "blood" from you for so long that you can no longer remember when it all started?

     Yeah, that's the best analogy I could think of to compare what the Government is doing to its citizens. Vampires sucking all our blood, slowly but steadily, they get fat, healthy and rich but we,the victims get really emaciated and dying a slow painful death. They always say that the Government makes use of our taxes and fees wisely, effectively and for our own benefit in the long run. Well, if you believe that crap it could only mean that you're so stupid and dumb or you're just one of them, you're a "Vampire" too. I hope Buffy the Vampire Slayer is still alive and well, so she'd stake these bloodsuckers' dead! Really, really fast! As in Right Now!!! :)


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