
Thursday, March 29, 2012

7 Customs Personnel Under Investigation.

     Seven Bureau of Customs personnel are being investigated due to their involvement in the mysterious case of 2,000 missing container vans during the last Administration. Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon said more than Php200 million was lost due to unpaid taxes with the case of these missing container vans. He vowed to go after the Customs personnel who facilitated and aided in their mysterious disappearance.

     The objects being mentioned here are huge 20-footer and 40-footer steel container vans that you ordinarily see at the pier stacked up on top of each other. These are enormous and heavy objects and to make 2,000 of these vessels disappear is quite a feat that not even the greatest magicians can easily pull off. But they can easily do that at the Bureau of Customs. Yes Sirs, we got the best magicians on that part of the Government.

     In my beloved country, the Philippines anything is possible if it involves the Politicians and Government Officials. Thousands of huge container vans can suddenly vanish into thin air without a trace. Millions and billions of tax payer's money can be transferred to secret bank accounts of Politicians and Government Leaders effortlessly and without any difficulty. It's not easy finding and recovering ill-gotten wealth, just ask the Marcoses; they are still wallowing in billions or trillions of stolen money hidden in their Swiss Bank accounts!

     In this part of the world, honest people work their butts off 24/7 and still they are in financial difficulty. Although if you're in Government Service, money comes by so easily that you can afford own a Porsche, a Grand Mansion, a private jet and lots and lots of prime real estate properties here and abroad. Just ask the Chief Thief Renato Corona of the Supreme Court  of the Philippines, he's the living proof and example of how easy it is to make money if you are in the Government Service.

     They say the Philippines is a 3rd World Nation, I beg to disagree. We are a very rich, prosperous and opulent nation. The only problem is this; it's the POLITICIANS and the GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS that are solely enjoying the country's wealth. The painful part of it is that wealth is from the blood, sweat and tears of the poor Juan Dela Cruzes like you and me, it's from our taxes. What a bunch of scumbags these leaders that we have!

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