
Friday, May 18, 2012

Chief Thief Renato Corona has $12Million in 5 Banks!

     News reports said that the Chief Thief Justice of the Supreme Court Renato Corona has at least 82 US$ bank accounts in 5 different banks, all amounting to more than $12Million. Wow! This hoodlum in magistrates' robe is really filthy rich, no wonder this thick faced asshole won't give up his post and resign! Where did all that money come from? I hope he won't tell the public that he has finally discovered the fabled Yamashita Treasure! Lol

     Well, that's not all folks. Rumors has it that this bugger has even more secret EU$ accounts amounting to millions hidden somewhere else and the Prosecutors in his Impeachment case are busy searching for them. Yeah, I bet they will find those EU$ accounts in no time because it takes one to know one and most of the Prosecutors are Politicians (Congressmen), thieves and scumbags too so they'll know what hole to dig and where exactly to look.

     I couldn't help but notice though that Sen. Miriam "Brenda" (brain-damaged) Defensor-Santiago harassed and lectured again the Ombudsman on how the Government got hold of Corona's secret bank accounts from the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC). The rabid lady Senator again defended the thieving porky magistrate, hmm...something smells fishy here; could it be that they are both engaged in thieving activities? I wouldn't be surprised if Sen. Brenda and the rest of the Senators and Congressmen have all secret US$, EU$, Yen, Yuan, Peso, Pounds, etc. banks accounts hidden somewhere. They're all thieves, bandits and crooks too!!!

     The true character of the Filipino Politicians and Government Leaders of our country is now out in the open. LYING, THIEVING AND CHEATING GHOULS with no sense of DELICADEZA to even resign their posts after being caught red handed dipping their filthy fat hands in the country's cookie jar. How can we ever trust these bastards to run our country honestly and decently? Only a fool, a moron or a retard would ever trust these thieves!!!

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