
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Elementary Teacher in Isabela Arrested for Drug Pushing.

     A female Elementary School teacher in Isabela Province was arrested a few days ago after she was caught selling drugs in a buy-bust operation. The teacher's name was not revealed by the news reporter who covered the story and her face was not shown on TV. She was immediately tested for drug use by the coppers and the tests yielded positive results.

     The community near the school was shocked at the teacher's arrest; almost all of her co-workers, the pupils and their parents are in disbelief. Nobody ever suspected her of being a drug pusher and a drug user. The parents of the pupils in that school were also dismayed and were alarmed at the teacher using drugs. Would she victimize the pupils in their school? Had she sold them or given them drugs to try and experiment with?

     We can't blame those parents from worrying too much about their kid's well-being. This are drugs that were talking about and we all know that pushers and dealers always target the youth to try drugs. If my kids were also studying in that school I would be worried too.

     It's a good thing that the Police caught this drug dealing, junkie-teacher because being a drug addict herself, it won't be long that she will also teach her pupils to use drugs; if she haven't done already. What is happening to our world? People whom we should trust, respect and look up to always end up screwing us up.

     We cannot simply trust anyone now, nor can we assume that a person is decent and morally upright just by their looks or by their position in life. Not for just our sake  but for the safety of our children....

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