
Thursday, August 29, 2013

8 Million Peso Flagpole at the Luneta Park

The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is now constructing a 150-foot flagpole at the Luneta Park. The cost is almost Php8 Million!!! The old flagpole was damaged and blown to kingdom come by a powerful typhoon a few years ago, hence a better, higher and more durable flagpole is being ordered to replace it. The new flagpole is made in China, is who historically claiming the entire Philippines as a part of its territory. Isn’t that ironic? Lol.

                The DPWH claimed that the 8 million peso flagpole is already a bargain compared to other flagpoles of the same type and specifications. The DPWH even said that the country is saving hundreds of thousands of pesos from this project since the new mast will be greater, better, superior and more technologically advanced than the old post that used stand in its place.

     The DPWH is one of the most corrupt branches of our Government, in this division you can find all the crooks, thieves and maggots that make their living by wasting, pocketing and stealing our hard earned taxes. The DPWH, Bureau of Customs (BoC) and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) are the top 3 most corrupt branches of our Government so if they tell us that they are giving us huge savings and not misappropriating our taxes then never believe them. They are lying through their teeth!!!

    The people that manage the Luneta Park defended the Php8 Million flagpole, they said that it is the country’s national flagpole so it must show and reflect the best to all, including those tourists that often visit the Luneta Park. I disagree, people and nations all over the world will never respect our country even if we have the tallest flagpole and the largest flag in the Universe if our country if full of poverty and heavily infested with Graft and Corruption.

       No matter how you sugar coat anything if deep inside it is full of shit then nobody will ever appreciate it. I mean, literally; do you want to eat a delicious looking cake if you know that if it’s made of shit inside? To be honest, our country is full of shit. Our elected leaders steal our taxes, they lie to us citizens and they cheat us every day. They unjustly enrich themselves from public funds while majority of Filipinos are in desperate need.

        Now, would a state of the art flagpole with a humongous flag flying up in the sky make our country and its citizenry become proud Filipinos? I don’t think so. As long as our Government leaders and Government personnel keep on embezzling our taxes then nothing can ever bring back the old pride and glory of this screwed up nation. The old Katipuneros (Filipino fighters during the Spanish occupation) were better off with their revolutionary flags tied into bamboo poles because they were pure in heart. They were fighting for our freedom against the Spanish abuses. They were not fighting for their pork barrels!

        To tell you honestly, I am no longer proud to be a Filipino. Not with all these maggots that masquerade as political leaders in our nation who continuously gobble, devour and engorge on our taxes. I hope that all of these pricks, cunts , bastards and bitches as well as their families and relatives that steal our taxes die a slow and painful death!!!  

Janet Lim Napoles Surrenders to Pres. Aquino

     A few hours after Pres. Noynoy Aquino announced that the government is offering a Php10Million reward for the immediate capture of Janet Lim Napoles, the pork barrel scam queen made a decision to surrender her fat ass to face her criminal liabilities.

     This fat, porky, ugly, thieving bitch is now in the custody of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Mar Roxas and Napoles was brought to the Philippine National Police (PNP) headquarters to be booked and charged for Serious Illegal Detention. Yup, Serious Illegal Detention only and not for Plunder!

         In this country, if a poor man grabs your wallet or cellphone and he gets caught by the authorities then he will immediately be charged with theft or armed robbery if he uses a deadly weapon. This poor sod will immediately spend a few days in jail or maybe a few months or years if his victims decides to pursue the case all the way up to the courts.

        But if Senators, Congressmen and other Politicians as well as bitches like Janet Lim Napoles steal, embezzle and pocket millions and billions of public funds; they often get away with it! Just look at the Marcos’s, Joseph Estrada, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, etc. They pocketed billions of our taxes and they never went to jail!!!

           Most of the Senators and Congressmen that allegedly got duped by Janet Lim Napoles claimed that they were all innocent from the crime. They all said that they were all victims of Janet Napoles’ Php10Billion pork barrel scam. I find that hard to swallow and impossible to believe; I mean, how can you con so many professional con artists? How can you rob so many proficient, skilled, highly-trained, expert, certified, licensed scumbags and thieves?

            I think all of these Senators and Congressmen are all in cahoots with Janet Lim Napoles from the get go. I think these political assholes and thieves had an agreement with Napoles that they will give millions of pesos from their pork barrel funds to her fake NGO’s and foundations in exchange for commissions, bribes and percentage. Yes, never trust these bastards and whores in our Government. They will always figure a way to rob us blind!

           As for Janet Lim Napoles, I hope she goes to jail for the rest of her miserable life. For DILG Sec. Mar Roxas, I hope this surrender would get him the needed advantage and mileage in the upcoming May 2016 Presidential Elections against his rivals Vice-Pres. Jejomar Binay and Sen. Ramon Revilla Jr. lol. I haven’t decided who to vote as President on May 2016 yet but I know this early on that I will not vote for Ramon “Bong” Revilla, Jr. as the next head of state.

 Again, the May 2016 Elections is another chance to make all the necessary decisions to get rid of all scalawags in our political hierarchy. Make the right choices if you want every Filipino (that means you, me and all of us, dudes!) to get out of this cesspool that we are helplessly submerged in!!!!

Pres. Noynoy Aquino Abolishes Pork Barrel

     Pres. Noynoy Aquino has just abolished the pork barrel funds of the Senators and Congressmen due to the increasing public outcry. Despite this move, thousands of Filipinos still went to the anti-pork barrel rally last Monday to express their disgust, repulsion and distaste to the widespread graft and corruption in this country.

     A few scumbag politicians tried to join the rally last Monday, namely: Renato Corona, the impeached Supreme Court Chief Justice and his family. Nikki Coseteng, a former Senator also attempted to team up with the protesters but  both political scumbags were booed and shooed away by the activists.

      My, my, my, this only proves that politicians and people who work in our government have really thick faces! Imagine, even the asshole Renato Corona attempted to join an anti-graft and corruption rally when he was just ousted from the Supreme Court for unjustly enriching himself.

      Political experts say that the pork barrel will never be abolished anyway, it will just be renamed, retitled, rechristened and eventually pocketed again by these scumbags that run our nation. Holding rallies will never stop these anomalies and irregularities in our country, as long as we keep on voting these same corrupt pricks and cunts, their family and relatives in our nation; then nothing will ever change.

     To be honest and blunt about it, we are also guilty of electing corrupt, crooked, wicked and dishonest leaders. Just look at the newly elected Senators and Congressmen now, they are the same individuals or they came from the same families. THE SAME CORRUPT FAMILIES!!! In a sense, we are giving them the legal and authorized opportunity to lie, cheat and steal from us again and again and again!

      This has been going on ever since the long dead prick of a President named Ferdinand E. Marcos came into power in our country. Graft and corruption in the Philippines is not new, it has been here since the Marcos Regime. If we keep on electing thieves, scoundrels, scumbags and assholes to run our nation then expect no change in our country….

Thursday, August 15, 2013

BIR to Investigate the Assets of Janet Lim Napoles

      The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is also joining the bandwagon in conducting an investigation against Janet Lim Napoles, the person responsible for the Php10Billion Pork Barrel Scam. The BIR wants to examine and poke around the assets and  properties of Napoles who has a lavish and wealthy lifestyle.

       Janet Lim Napoles owns more than 30 luxurious vehicles and many condominiums and other real estate properties all over the country. These 30 cars includes Porches, Range Rovers, Mercedes Benzes, BMWs and Hummer vehicles. She and her family also live a rich and famous way of life.

      Janet Lim Napoles often said on television interviews that she owns a coal mining business in Indonesia and that she had inherited huge sums of money from her rich parents. Naturally, such statements has caught the attention of the money hungry BIR. I mean, it’s like pouring fresh blood into  shark infested waters which drives them into a feeding frenzy. 

      If you are rich, it is best to keep a modest lifestyle otherwise you are going to attract the attention of the sharks and crocodiles in government. It seems that Janet Napoles is either too cocky or too stupid to lay low and didn’t even try to avoid drawing the interest of the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

      So now Janet Lim Napoles has the BIR after her ass, aside from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). I guess her thieving ways are nearing its end, she will eventually end up in jail and face the consequences of her criminal acts. 

     A regional Trial Court has issued an Arrest Warrant for Serious Illegal Detention against Janet Lim Napoles and her brother Reynald Lim for detaining a relative named Benhur Luy who later spilled the beans on the 10 billion peso scam. Benhur Luy was a former employee of Janet Napoles and knew all about the fake Non-Government Offices and bogus foundations that received the Pork Barrel Funds.

       Janet Lim Napoles is on the run now, at least 12 tracker teams of the NBI are after her fat ass. Let’s see how long this fat bitch can outrun and evade her hunters. Let’s see if Janet Napoles’ luck has not run out on her. Yup, things are going to get worse for this thieving bitch!

10B Pork Barrel Scam Slowly Unravels

     Janet Lim Napoles’ 10Billion peso Pork Barrel Scam is now slowly unraveling. More and more Senators, Congressmen and Local Officials that were duped by Napoles are now denying their participation with the scam. These “victims” also said that they never received any funding from the institutions created by Janet Lim Napoles and that their signatures were all faked.

        Even the farmer beneficiaries which supposed to have received and benefitted from the various Non-Government Offices (NGOs) and foundations created by Janet Lim Napoles alleged that they never accepted or took delivery of any subsidy, support, equipment or training from any NGOs or foundations that were connected with Napoles. These “beneficiaries” also swore that their signatures were all forged.

         This banshee from hell named Janet Lim Napoles should immediately be arrested, booked and burned at the stake for stealing more than 10 billion pesos of public funds. All of her assets should be seized by the Government and all her bank accounts should be frozen to prevent the huge amounts of stolen money from being diverted to other secret accounts.

        Janet Lim Napoles should be jailed and made accountable for her crimes against the people of this country. She should not be allowed to walk around freely and even brag that she acquired her wealth from her coal mining business in Indonesia. If she gets away with her crimes then everybody else will start imitating her evil ways.

         If the justice system of this country cannot not punish her then it’s up to the people to grab her and hang her neck on the nearest tree. Die, bitch, die!!!

US Forces to Increase Presence in RP

     The latest news on TV reported that the US Forces are planning to increase its presence in the Philippines and are now requesting the use of its former US bases in Subic. This proposal may be the answer to the bullying tactics or China and Taiwan who are desperate to grab hold of our territory, particularly of the Spratly’s Islands.

        The request would still be discussed in the Senate and in Congress since it involves the ratification and modification of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) between the US and the Philippines. If you ask my personal opinion, I say we should let the US Armed Forces intensify its existence in our country to discourage and prevent the greedy Chinks and other neighboring nations from stealing our domain right under our noses.

          Most leftist groups would disagree with this idea but would you rather kiss the ass of the Chinks or of the Gringos? Sure, if the Gringos gets full use of their former bases the night clubs and prostitutes would start proliferating the surrounding areas all over again but I think that is a lesser evil compared to the scenario of the Chinese using force to grab our territories.

          Some say that allowing the US increase its forces will make us a target for terrorists and rouge nations like North Korea may be true but at least if that happens, we can strike back and inflict equal if larger damage on the attacking foes. Permitting the US forces in using their former military bases would also mean more training and equipment for our soldiers.

           Let’s us all be honest to ourselves, without the US military presence; we are a setting duck for China. Again the choice yours, would you rather kiss the ass of the Chinks or the butt of the Gringos?....

Php700M Phil Navy Fuel Deal Investigated by COA

     The Commission on Audit  (COA) has started investigating the more than 700Million peso fuel order/deal of the Philippine Navy (PN) with oil giant Petron Company. The issue arose when the COA discovered that the Philippine Navy has already fully paid the contract last 2011 but the products were not all delivered.

     The Philippine Navy top brass said that the only Php15M of fuel and lubricants are still unfurnished by Petron but reiterated that the supplies were readily available if the need arises like during typhoons and other emergency situations.

     The Petron Company also issued a statement recently that only Php2M worth of fuel and lubricants are still unused by the Philippine Navy but the said items are in their various warehouses and can be speedily provided or released to the PN if requested.

     Petron further said that the products were still stored in their various warehouses all over the country because the Philippine Navy lacks the appropriate facilities to stock them. Great, it seems that Petron and the Philippine navy has a very healthy symbiotic relationship. The only problem is this, the two entities could be collaborating in cheating and stealing public funds.

     Who can really prove that the fuel/lubricants were all delivered by Petron and used by the Philippine Navy? Let’s all accept the fact that the Philippine Navy is one of the most corrupt agency in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). Ever wonder why we don’t have modern ships to patrol and defend our territory despite the annual budget of the AFP or the Philippine Navy?

     I definitely agree that the Commission on Audit should dig deeper into this issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of AFP or Philippine Navy officials and even higher ups at Petron got filthy rich from this Php700M fuel/lubricant deal….Thieves, they are all over the place….they keep on multiplying like maggots on a dead animal.

Sen. Koko Pimentel Sued by Ex-Wife for Abuse

     The estranged wife of Sen. Koko Pimentel is suing the lawmaker for being an abusive husband. Jewel Mae Pimentel has filed complaints against the politician  and has also demanded the full custody of their two children. In response, the good senator said that he knows all his rights and that he will surely demand for it. Nice, this means a nasty, no holds-barred annulment battle.

     Great, aside from having idiots, liars, thieves and scumbags in our Political Leadership; we also have wife abusers running our nation! I’m glad that I did not vote for this dickhead. I mean, how can you efficiently run a country and help alleviate the poor if you can’t even fix your family problems? Personal or family problems are a zillion times simpler than our nation’s troubles so it just means that this asshole is utterly useless in overhauling our decaying homeland!

     This is a clear proof that most if not all of our Political Leaders are not really serious in trying to help our impoverished citizen and in solving our economic difficulties. These scumbags are just in it for the money, prestige and power. This also proves that former Senator Miguel Zubiri was telling the truth when he accused Sen. Koko Pimentel of maltreating his wife during a debate before the May 2013 Elections.

     Ex-Sen. Miguel Zubiri was not lying back then when he said that Sen. Koko Pimentel’s wife frequently complained to him (Zubiri) that Koko is an abusive husband. Ex-Sen. Zubiri and Jewel Mae Pimentel were cousins or something so it understandable that she would confide in him. Despite all his honesty about the marital problems between Sen. Koko Pimentel and his wife, I still did not vote for ex-Sen. Miguel Zubiri last May 2013 Elections.

    Why? Because former Sen. Miguel Zubiri cheated Sen. Koko Pimentel during the 2007 or 2010 Elections (I can’t recall). As a matter of fact, I’m ecstatic that Miguel Zubiri lost last May 2013 Elections because to me; Miguel Zubiri is nothing but a lying, cheating, stealing and a corrupt politician just like Sen. Koko Pimentel. Yup, it takes one to know one; both politicians are 100% assholes and dickheads. Both of them should never be trusted and elected to hold any public office!!! Not even as a Barangay tanod!!! Scumbags!!!

Taiwan Lifts All Sanctions Against OFWs

     The latest news reports revealed that Taiwan has lifted all sanctions that it imposed on all Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) that are presently working in their country and to those who are applying for jobs to their factories. This latest development was due to the compliance of the Philippine Government to all the demands and requirements of the Taiwanese Government in connection to the death of a Taiwanese fisherman that encroached into our territory a few weeks ago.
     This is good news to our tens of thousands of Filipino workers in Taiwan and also to those who are applying for work to that country. The bad news is this, our Government has again bowed down and kissed the ass of a smaller but arrogant, bigheaded and egotistic asshole nation. Our Government has no other choice, its either we submit to the Taiwanese demands or let thousands of OFWs lose their jobs, get deported and their families ending up famished.

     It’s really a tough decision but I hope that it will not further encourage other bullying nations into intimidating and pressuring us to obey their every whim. I guess there is nothing that we can do about this predicament for now, unless our Political Leaders start doing their jobs honestly, religious and honorably; our country will always be a “slave nation” to the whole world…..

500,000 liters of Fuel Spills in Cavite Sea

     At least 500,000 liters of diesel fuel was accidentally spilled over the sea of Cavite a few days ago which resulted in the contamination of the seawater and destruction of the marine life. Even the local residents were not spared of the harmful and foul-smelling diesel fuel and many residents were getting sick from being exposed to it.

     The locals were flocking to the seashore to collect the floating diesel fuel in huge drums, basins and even on mineral water containers. The diesel fuel that the locals collected will be sold to local fishermen as fuel for their boats and for other household purposes. It’s really a witless act to expose yourself unprotected to fossil fuels because these contain harmful chemicals that will eventually cause damage to your body.

     It is also equally stupid to use fuel collected from the sea into your engines as contains saltwater from the sea and will ultimately damage the parts of an engine. Sure, the fuel will float from the water and may look uncontaminated but it still contains impurities that will destroy the sensitive parts of an outboard motor. Deliberately exposing yourself to an oil spill and intentionally using contaminated fuel into your engine is an act of stupidity and foolishness.

     The authorities said the fuel leak came from the Petron Company’s underwater pipeline as a ship was transferring diesel fuel to the huge storage tanks offshore. Petron denied this accusation at first but later on admitted that it was indeed their pipeline that caused the massive fuel leak. The fuel company promised to help in the cleanup and assured the affected residents and fisher folk that  they will be justly compensated.

     Such a huge oil spill will definitely cause irreversible damage to the environment and it will take years or even decades before the marine life can recover. The Government should penalize Petron Company for this incident so that future accidents like these will be avoided or prevented from ever happening again. Damn these multinational companies, they keep on screwing the public with their exorbitant prices and they continue messing up the environment!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Car bomb Rocks Cotabato City

     A powerful car bomb exploded and rocked the city of Cotabato a few days ago. This was a few days after a bomb blast killed many people in Cagayan de Oro City. The Police authorities are still conducting their investigations and cannot yet determine if the bombings were made by terrorists or were the handy work of assassins that were out to kill some political leaders.

     After the Cagayan de Oro City and Cotabato City bombings, several more less powerful but equally damaging explosions were happening all over Mindanao. The Philippine authorities are now trying to find out if the Jemaah Islamia terrorist group is behind the attacks. It has been rumored that a “master  bomber” of the Jemaah Islamia has been teaching the local terrorists in Mindanao on how to make car bombs and other destructive devices.

     We must all condemn any form of terrorism. Terrorists do not care about their victims and often target innocent and defenseless civilians. When was the last time that terrorists blew up a military or police headquarters? Almost never but when it comes to churches, public buses, shopping malls and busy areas; the story is different. They always hit the easy and defenseless targets.

     So these terrorist pricks are only good in blowing up helpless and powerless victims. The military and police refer to these as “soft targets” which they often exploit and victimize. These so called “soft targets” are us civilians; you, me and our family so we must help the authorities in preventing these terrorists from blowing us all up.

     Let’s all be alert on our surroundings, be observant about suspicious individuals and packages left behind in our environment. If suspicious personalities or packages are spotted then report it to the cops for verification. It’s better to end up reporting a dud bomb package to the police than being blown up by real explosives.

     To all innocent, decent and honest people out there; be careful, be vigilant and always pray to God to protection. The evil terrorists are back to their dirty and deadly tricks again…lets us not be victims to their horrible ways….

8 Philippine Coastguard Personnel Charged with Homicide

     The 8 Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) personnel involved in the death of a Taiwanese fisherman that encroached in our territorial waters a few months ago have been charged with homicide. This was according to the latest news on TV a few days ago. The PCG men tried to apprehend the fisherman but instead of slowing down, the Taiwanese boat tried to ram the Coast Guard vessel as it speeded up to flee the area.

      The PCG personnel chased the Taiwanese vessel and several times the poachers tried to hit them, this was according to the Coast Guard men. The PCG then fired warning shots but the Taiwanese boat and its crew did not take heed. This left the PCG men no other choice but to fire at the Taiwanese boat to protect themselves.

     The death of the Taiwanese fisherman caused an uproar on the Taiwanese Government and its people. Thousands of Filipino Overseas Workers (OFWs) were harassed and some were verbally and physically abused by the Taiwanese. Tens of thousands of OFWs working in Taiwan were denied renewal of their work permits and were threatened to be send home by their Taiwanese employers.

       Back in the Philippines, tens of thousands of applicants for Taiwanese jobs were also banned from flying to Taiwan because of the row. The Taiwanese Government issued demands for the Philippines to comply before the ban will be lifted. The President of the Philippines must apologize, the incident must be jointly investigated, the Taiwanese fisherman’s family must be properly compensated and that the PCG men must be punished for their crimes.

        Well, the Philippine Government have bowed down to the Taiwanese demands. The 8 Philippine Coast Guard personnel are now facing criminal cases. According to the PCG top brass, the Coast Guard are now low in moral because of this development. Can you blame them for feeling low morale? I mean, after performing your sworn duties to serve and protect your country’s territory on the high seas you are rewarded with criminal raps?

         It sucks to be poor, not only as an individual but also as a nation. You will get bullied, disrespected and abused by other countries….