
Monday, July 02, 2012

Php1Billion worth of New Guns for the PNP.

     The Philippine National Police (PNP) will spend more than 1 Billion pesos to buy new pistols for its members, according a news report. Yup, 1 billion pesos for 60,000 units of 9 millimeter handguns priced at more than Php16,000 each. The PNP Top Brass said most of our cops are unarmed and thus ineffective in fighting the criminal elements in our country. So the PNP has to buy 60,000 pieces of guns to improve our Police Force nationwide.

     Well, that's good news. Anything about improving the services of Government Agencies is great news and it doesn't matter if our Government will spend billions and billions of taxpayers' money as long as it will be put in good use. Arming our cops so that they can better fight the criminals is a good idea and it should be done immediately. I don't think any Filipino will argue that all cops must be well-equipped and well-trained to combat the bad guys in our country. More and more criminals are getting bolder each day in committing crimes because they are not afraid of getting caught and punished by the authorities.

     The Government can improve, modernize and equip all our Police and Military Forces with all the latest weaponry and technology that our country can afford to serve and protect  the civilian population. Every Filipino citizen who pays his taxes (heck, everybody pays taxes these days because of the 12% VAT!)  diligently will expect good service from the Government and nobody will question any expenses incurred as long as its legitimate and free from any anomalies.

      So if you ask me if I agree about modernizing our Police and Military Force (the military is also planning to buy planes, helicopters, armored vehicles, etc.) my answer is a big YES. Ask me if I trust the Police and the Military Top Brass that the billions and billions of pesos intended for modernization will not be  pocketed and my answer is, HELL NO! Are you kidding me? Of course these thieves are going steal almost everything and anything that they can rip-off from all of us!

     Hell, this is the Philippines that we're talking about! Every Tom, Dick and Harry knows that Government personnel in our country cannot be trusted with a single peso. Although not 100% of our Government workers are all corrupt, only a few of them are honest and decent. So imagine giving 1 billion pesos to a bunch of greedy, hungry and scumbag PNP Generals to buy 60,000 guns ? It's like trusting a convicted pedophile not to rape and molest your own kids! I bet those Police Generals are having wet dreams every night just thinking about all that money that they will steal. Yup, it's like letting a hungry kid to a candy and junk food factory where he can eat and take everything he wants!

     Sure the PNP and Military Top Brass will show all the necessary papers and follow all bidding procedures to prove to the public that not even a single centavo is stolen from Juan Dela Cruz but don't you believe all that crap. All our Government Agencies properly document all their transactions and expenditures but GRAFT and CORRUPTION is still rampant in our country. Things will never change with our Government and our Leaders; they will always lie, cheat and steal.

     Just ask yourself this question; have you ever seen a Politician, a Government Leader, a Police or Military Official that is not filthy rich? How much is their salary and can they afford to buy nice and expensive cars, large and beautiful homes and live lavish lifestyles based on their income? It's really easy to spot a thief; you don't have to be a genius to figure out if a Government Official is decent and honest or a scumbag.....

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