Yes, Election Fever is now in the air. Barely 10 months from now and Election Day will come and that is why these Politicians are busy scampering and jostling for the best Political Party and Political position available for them. These scumbags, maggots and leeches in our Government are scrambling to find the best party that will assure their victory in the upcoming polls.
They will lie, cheat and steal; they will betray even their own family and relatives just to get that desired position in Government. Some will even sell their own mother and their own soul to the Devil just to win the Elections. Most of them will not think twice to have their political rivals killed if that will assure their triumph.
Nope, I'm not exaggerating. This is how elections happen in my country, the Philippines. Politicians are willing to kill and be killed for that Government position that is up for grabs during election year. Remember the Maguindanao Massacre committed by the Ampatuans? Isn't that because of the elections? Now ask yourself this question, is the Filipino politician that dedicated in serving the country and its population that he is willing to sacrifice everything and do anything to win? Well, the answer is YES and NO.
Yes, he is willing to lie, cheat, steal, betray, sell his soul to the Devil, to kill and be killed to win that political post. No, he's not doing all that so he can serve his country and his fellowmen. The Filipino Politician is doing all that because of the immense MONEY, POWER and INFLUENCE that goes with that aspired political position. I'm not just talking about the highest positions in the land like the Congress, Senate or the Presidency in this country, even the lowest Barangay Official is willing to have his opponent gunned down if that will assure his success.
If you don't believe me then just wait and see. More killings and murders will happen as the Election Day nears. So what can we expect from all these scumbags that run our country? Can we ever anticipate proper governance and public service from these pricks once they win their posts? Nah, don't you ever trust these assholes that they will perform their mandate honestly, diligently and morally. Once they win that position they will immediately start stealing and pocketing taxpayer's money.
In Philippine Politics there are no permanent friends, enemies, relatives or alliances. Politicians even run against their own kinfolk. Just take for example the Magsaysay's of Zambales. Ramon Magsaysay Jr. is running for the Senate next year but his nephew's wife, Congresswoman Mitos Magsaysay is also gunning for the Senate. Yes, they both assured the public that they will keep respecting each other and will take priority in serving their constituents once they win. Now, do you believe all that shit? Hell, they are ready to cut each other's throat come election time because of that juicy pork barrel that the Senate position offers!
What about Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim and Vice-Mayor Isko Moreno? These guys almost had a "father and son" relationship last elections but after Ex-Pres. and Ex-Jueteng & Casino Lord Joseph "Erap" Estrada announced his candidacy for Manila Mayor a few months ago, in a blink of an eye Vice Mayor Isko Moreno dumped Mayor Lim and took alliance with Erap. Now Isko is filing charges against Mayor Lim for grave threats, they are ready to skin each other alive if you ask me. No more "father and son" relationship for these two, that's for sure!
Yes, my dear friends. In my country the Philippines there are no decent, honest and morally upright politician. Every politician in my country is a crook, a thief, a liar, a sinner and most probably a murderer and more than willing to have his opponent butchered to assure his election victory. So never expect any good change to happen after next year's elections, only more graft and corruption, more political killings and of course, rampant vote buying and electoral fraud.
Don't vote political candidates that are "Trapos" or traditional politicians or candidates from political families or political dynasties. Don't you ever get tired of seeing the same old and ugly faces of corrupt officials in our Government? Don't you ever fell like puking your guts out in the streets after letting these "Trapos" and political dynasties run our country for so many decades and all they did was steal from us Juan Dela Cruzes? Please vote wisely Pinoys, it's for our own good. Let's finally stop allowing these assholes and scumbags from screwing us around. Let's really pick out the decent and honest candidates out there and flush these shitheads down the toilet.
Stop voting "Trapos" like Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, Franklin Drilon, Miriam "Brenda-National Treasure-Banshee" Santiago, Bong-Bong Marcos Jr., Lito Lapid, Bong Revilla, Ed Angara, Tito Sotto, Chiz Escudero, Loren Legarda, Manny Villar, the Cayetano siblings, etc. The list goes on and on, it is endless. They have been our leaders for so many years or decades and yet they have not improved the lives of the poor Filipinos. These bastards and bitches just got richer and richer by stealing our taxes! Vote for new and fresh candidates that are not connected or related to any Trapos or Political Dynasties. They may be unpopular, less famous and greenhorns but at least they are still "clean" and "uncontaminated" with graft and corruption. Once they start stealing then don't ever vote for them again in the next elections. Purge all the scum, filth, garbage and excrement in Government! That's the only way to effectively clean up our country.
Research every candidate that you will vote,check out their family backgrounds and discard those who are useless and corrupt and shun away from Trapos and Political Clans. Check them out through the Internet and I'm sure that they can never hide their ugly past no matter how hard they try. Activist groups should put up a website that will blacklist all Trapos, Political Dynasties, Marcos cronies and corrupt politicians all over the country so that the public will be informed. Sure it will take a lot of manpower to that but that is the only way to clean up our nation. The power to alter our miserable existence is in our hands during election time folks so let's change our future and stop letting these assholes and asswipes from messing up our country and our lives over and over again!!!
They will lie, cheat and steal; they will betray even their own family and relatives just to get that desired position in Government. Some will even sell their own mother and their own soul to the Devil just to win the Elections. Most of them will not think twice to have their political rivals killed if that will assure their triumph.
Nope, I'm not exaggerating. This is how elections happen in my country, the Philippines. Politicians are willing to kill and be killed for that Government position that is up for grabs during election year. Remember the Maguindanao Massacre committed by the Ampatuans? Isn't that because of the elections? Now ask yourself this question, is the Filipino politician that dedicated in serving the country and its population that he is willing to sacrifice everything and do anything to win? Well, the answer is YES and NO.
Yes, he is willing to lie, cheat, steal, betray, sell his soul to the Devil, to kill and be killed to win that political post. No, he's not doing all that so he can serve his country and his fellowmen. The Filipino Politician is doing all that because of the immense MONEY, POWER and INFLUENCE that goes with that aspired political position. I'm not just talking about the highest positions in the land like the Congress, Senate or the Presidency in this country, even the lowest Barangay Official is willing to have his opponent gunned down if that will assure his success.
If you don't believe me then just wait and see. More killings and murders will happen as the Election Day nears. So what can we expect from all these scumbags that run our country? Can we ever anticipate proper governance and public service from these pricks once they win their posts? Nah, don't you ever trust these assholes that they will perform their mandate honestly, diligently and morally. Once they win that position they will immediately start stealing and pocketing taxpayer's money.
In Philippine Politics there are no permanent friends, enemies, relatives or alliances. Politicians even run against their own kinfolk. Just take for example the Magsaysay's of Zambales. Ramon Magsaysay Jr. is running for the Senate next year but his nephew's wife, Congresswoman Mitos Magsaysay is also gunning for the Senate. Yes, they both assured the public that they will keep respecting each other and will take priority in serving their constituents once they win. Now, do you believe all that shit? Hell, they are ready to cut each other's throat come election time because of that juicy pork barrel that the Senate position offers!
What about Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim and Vice-Mayor Isko Moreno? These guys almost had a "father and son" relationship last elections but after Ex-Pres. and Ex-Jueteng & Casino Lord Joseph "Erap" Estrada announced his candidacy for Manila Mayor a few months ago, in a blink of an eye Vice Mayor Isko Moreno dumped Mayor Lim and took alliance with Erap. Now Isko is filing charges against Mayor Lim for grave threats, they are ready to skin each other alive if you ask me. No more "father and son" relationship for these two, that's for sure!
Yes, my dear friends. In my country the Philippines there are no decent, honest and morally upright politician. Every politician in my country is a crook, a thief, a liar, a sinner and most probably a murderer and more than willing to have his opponent butchered to assure his election victory. So never expect any good change to happen after next year's elections, only more graft and corruption, more political killings and of course, rampant vote buying and electoral fraud.
Don't vote political candidates that are "Trapos" or traditional politicians or candidates from political families or political dynasties. Don't you ever get tired of seeing the same old and ugly faces of corrupt officials in our Government? Don't you ever fell like puking your guts out in the streets after letting these "Trapos" and political dynasties run our country for so many decades and all they did was steal from us Juan Dela Cruzes? Please vote wisely Pinoys, it's for our own good. Let's finally stop allowing these assholes and scumbags from screwing us around. Let's really pick out the decent and honest candidates out there and flush these shitheads down the toilet.
Stop voting "Trapos" like Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, Franklin Drilon, Miriam "Brenda-National Treasure-Banshee" Santiago, Bong-Bong Marcos Jr., Lito Lapid, Bong Revilla, Ed Angara, Tito Sotto, Chiz Escudero, Loren Legarda, Manny Villar, the Cayetano siblings, etc. The list goes on and on, it is endless. They have been our leaders for so many years or decades and yet they have not improved the lives of the poor Filipinos. These bastards and bitches just got richer and richer by stealing our taxes! Vote for new and fresh candidates that are not connected or related to any Trapos or Political Dynasties. They may be unpopular, less famous and greenhorns but at least they are still "clean" and "uncontaminated" with graft and corruption. Once they start stealing then don't ever vote for them again in the next elections. Purge all the scum, filth, garbage and excrement in Government! That's the only way to effectively clean up our country.
Research every candidate that you will vote,check out their family backgrounds and discard those who are useless and corrupt and shun away from Trapos and Political Clans. Check them out through the Internet and I'm sure that they can never hide their ugly past no matter how hard they try. Activist groups should put up a website that will blacklist all Trapos, Political Dynasties, Marcos cronies and corrupt politicians all over the country so that the public will be informed. Sure it will take a lot of manpower to that but that is the only way to clean up our nation. The power to alter our miserable existence is in our hands during election time folks so let's change our future and stop letting these assholes and asswipes from messing up our country and our lives over and over again!!!
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