Almost 200 bags of donated human blood tested positive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV, according to the Department of Health (DoH) a week ago. Now this is one nasty bug which causes the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or AIDS which will make you end up dead!
HIV/AIDS is not a new disease; as a matter of fact it's an old one. HIV/AIDS was discovered in the 1980's and up to now there is still no cure although there are drugs that will slow it down from developing to a full blown AIDS infection. A couple of vaccines have reportedly been invented but nobody can prove that its 100% safe, effective and affordable.
HIV/AIDS can be transmitted when a person is exposed to body fluids that are infected with the virus such as blood,semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. It cannot be transmitted through kissing or oral sex but you can get other deadly diseases like Hepatitis so better be careful who you kiss or what you kiss. The 200 bags of infected blood is really scary since it means that there are more and more people out there who are carriers of the virus without them knowing it. Hell, they could be spreading it all over the country right this very moment!
Although the DoH has an effective blood screening method that can detect the virus from donated blood before it can infect anybody, the creepy part is that the person that has the virus without knowing that he/she is infected maybe spreading it unintentionally through casual sexual relationships. Yup, it could be anybody and anyone can get the bug if you don't take the necessary precautions.
The Government should again revive the information campaign to prevent the spread of this disease. The DoH should start a massive info drive to halt its spread or at least slow it down just like what Pres. Fidel V. Ramos did in his term. Remember the little guy that served as DoH Secretary? I can't recall his name but he fought the Catholic Church which was against the Government's massive anti-HIV/AIDS campaign. The Church was against that drive because it involved the promotion and use of condoms to prevent the infection.
The Church will surely fight the Government if it will again promote the use of condoms but its the only way to surely stop HIV/AIDS. Sexual abstinence, having one sexual partner or staying virgin until you get married doesn't apply to all individuals; it is simply unrealistic and that is the painful truth. Now, I'm not promoting sexual promiscuity but its better to wear that rubber the need arises.
HIV/AIDS is not a new disease; as a matter of fact it's an old one. HIV/AIDS was discovered in the 1980's and up to now there is still no cure although there are drugs that will slow it down from developing to a full blown AIDS infection. A couple of vaccines have reportedly been invented but nobody can prove that its 100% safe, effective and affordable.
HIV/AIDS can be transmitted when a person is exposed to body fluids that are infected with the virus such as blood,semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. It cannot be transmitted through kissing or oral sex but you can get other deadly diseases like Hepatitis so better be careful who you kiss or what you kiss. The 200 bags of infected blood is really scary since it means that there are more and more people out there who are carriers of the virus without them knowing it. Hell, they could be spreading it all over the country right this very moment!
Although the DoH has an effective blood screening method that can detect the virus from donated blood before it can infect anybody, the creepy part is that the person that has the virus without knowing that he/she is infected maybe spreading it unintentionally through casual sexual relationships. Yup, it could be anybody and anyone can get the bug if you don't take the necessary precautions.
The Government should again revive the information campaign to prevent the spread of this disease. The DoH should start a massive info drive to halt its spread or at least slow it down just like what Pres. Fidel V. Ramos did in his term. Remember the little guy that served as DoH Secretary? I can't recall his name but he fought the Catholic Church which was against the Government's massive anti-HIV/AIDS campaign. The Church was against that drive because it involved the promotion and use of condoms to prevent the infection.
The Church will surely fight the Government if it will again promote the use of condoms but its the only way to surely stop HIV/AIDS. Sexual abstinence, having one sexual partner or staying virgin until you get married doesn't apply to all individuals; it is simply unrealistic and that is the painful truth. Now, I'm not promoting sexual promiscuity but its better to wear that rubber the need arises.
How is AIDS an "old" disease if it's only been around since the 70s?