This may be construed as an early victory for all Filipinos who value their freedom from oppression, tyranny, persecution, harassment and Internet Martial Law. A few days ago, Sen. Edgardo Angara who is the principal sponsor of the Anti-Cybercrime Law in the Senate has expressed his willingness to suspend the implementation of the said law until the Supreme Court has decided if it is indeed unconstitutional. Damn, we don't need to wait that long! We all know that the Internet Libel provision of the Anti-Cybercrime Law is defective, obnoxious, despicable and is a Gestapo inspired law to suppress our freedom!
Not to be outdone (its Election time folks!), Sen. Vicente Sotto III who is solely responsible for injecting that Internet Libel provision without any Senate hearing or debate also disclosed to the media his eagerness to remove that offensive libel crap and in addition, Sotto will abolish libel as a crime in all forms of media. Hmm, why the sudden and abrupt turnaround of these two Senators who are both responsible for that Hitler encouraged Internet Libel? It's simple dudes, May 2013 Election Day is fast approaching and no politician in his right mind would risk pissing off the voting public. If they, Angara & Sotto insist on implementing that provision (as they demanded its full implementation a day or so before) then they have both committed a political hara-kiri a few months before the Election Day!!!
So did the freedom loving Filipinos win the battle for our free expression easily and quickly because these 2 Senators are obviously backing-off and running with their tails stuck behind their legs? The answer is both yes and no. Yes, the Pinoys have won an easy victory against the country's political Al Qaedas. Netizens and and the rest of the populace have successfully showed these politicians and Osama Bin Laden wanna be's that we will not let anybody mess and screw with our liberty.
But we have to be vigilant and keep our eyes open 24/7, THESE ARE POLITICIANS THAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!; after Election Day they might try to sneak that oppressive and terroristic law or other similar Martial Law cloned bills back up in our civilian asses! I say, never vote for these 2 Senators ever again and others like them who supported the bill should suffer the same fate come May 2013! Hell, never vote them or their family members for eternity for trying to shove that damned law up our asses! ALWAYS REMEMBER, A GOOD POLITICIAN IS A LONG DEAD POLITICIAN (like Ferdinand Marcos, thank God!)! AS LONG AS IT'S STILL ALIVE AND KICKING, EATING, PISSING AND SHITTING; NEVER TRUST THAT GOD DAMNED GHOUL TO DO US ANY GOOD! THEY WILL KEEP ON SCREWING US ALL, RIGHT UP OUR ASSES!!!
Not to be outdone (its Election time folks!), Sen. Vicente Sotto III who is solely responsible for injecting that Internet Libel provision without any Senate hearing or debate also disclosed to the media his eagerness to remove that offensive libel crap and in addition, Sotto will abolish libel as a crime in all forms of media. Hmm, why the sudden and abrupt turnaround of these two Senators who are both responsible for that Hitler encouraged Internet Libel? It's simple dudes, May 2013 Election Day is fast approaching and no politician in his right mind would risk pissing off the voting public. If they, Angara & Sotto insist on implementing that provision (as they demanded its full implementation a day or so before) then they have both committed a political hara-kiri a few months before the Election Day!!!
So did the freedom loving Filipinos win the battle for our free expression easily and quickly because these 2 Senators are obviously backing-off and running with their tails stuck behind their legs? The answer is both yes and no. Yes, the Pinoys have won an easy victory against the country's political Al Qaedas. Netizens and and the rest of the populace have successfully showed these politicians and Osama Bin Laden wanna be's that we will not let anybody mess and screw with our liberty.
But we have to be vigilant and keep our eyes open 24/7, THESE ARE POLITICIANS THAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!; after Election Day they might try to sneak that oppressive and terroristic law or other similar Martial Law cloned bills back up in our civilian asses! I say, never vote for these 2 Senators ever again and others like them who supported the bill should suffer the same fate come May 2013! Hell, never vote them or their family members for eternity for trying to shove that damned law up our asses! ALWAYS REMEMBER, A GOOD POLITICIAN IS A LONG DEAD POLITICIAN (like Ferdinand Marcos, thank God!)! AS LONG AS IT'S STILL ALIVE AND KICKING, EATING, PISSING AND SHITTING; NEVER TRUST THAT GOD DAMNED GHOUL TO DO US ANY GOOD! THEY WILL KEEP ON SCREWING US ALL, RIGHT UP OUR ASSES!!!
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