
Sunday, April 07, 2013

North Korea to Start a Nuclear War?

            Once again, North Korea is threatening to launch a nuclear attack on its neighbor South Korea and its big brother, the US. The North Koreans have positioned their nuclear missiles and are aimed at the various US Military Bases in the US mainland, Guam and probably in Japan too.

            Although the capability of North Korea to launch nuclear missile attacks on the US mainland is doubtful, nuclear assault on South Korea, Japan and Guam is a possibility. Everybody knows that the North Koreans have a lot of nuclear weapons at hand and they are capable of using them. These missiles may be old and obsolete but they still pack a hefty punch if loaded with nuclear warheads.

            The antics of a crazy nation like North Korea should be taken seriously by the whole world. The country is obviously being run and controlled by rabid and stupid leaders so anything can happen. North Korea may be bluffing again but it’s really getting on the nerves of the South Koreans and of the US, not to mention other neighboring Asian countries.

            Maybe a preemptive strike is necessary to stop this rogue nation from holding hostage the entire Asian region. But launching a military strike on North Korea may trigger a Nuclear War that could obliterate the whole Asian territory. It could also drag China into joining the conflict and set off World War III.

            Crap, what is happening to the world? We have global recessions, terrorism, territorial disputes among nations and now the threat of a nuclear war. If a nuclear war breaks out between US and North Korea then we are all in deep shit!

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