
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

CBCP Threatens RH Bill Lawmakers and Supporters.

     The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) held a prayer rally at the EDSA Shrine a couple of days ago to show force against the enactment of the Reproductive Health Bill by the present administration. A lot of Catholics went to the rally in EDSA to support the CBCP but I believe most Catholics are supporting the controversial legislation. The Philippines has a population of about 90Million and 80% of those are Catholics but all of them will  not necessarily follow everything that the priests wants them to do.

     In these hard and difficult times, it is not practical to have so many kids. Especially if you can barely make ends meet, it's really dumb and stupid to have a large family. Never mind what Senator Juan Ponce Enrile, Sen. Vicente Sotto III and Rep. Manny Pacquiao says about the RH Bill as Pro Abortion. They are all politicians and that means they are all assholes who only want to mess up all our lives for their own enrichment and benefit. Hell, the rich politicians can easily afford to raise 100 kids since they can always feed, clothe and educate them properly with all our taxes. With all that Pork Barrel and stolen taxpayers' money that they have accumulated for so many years in Government Service, they can have as many kids as they want! But that is not the case for the ordinary Juan Dela Cruz.

     There is nothing wrong with the RH Bill. It is not pro abortion and it is certainly not a form of abortion. The CBCP and the clergy are deliberately misleading the public and that is truly disgraceful. The CBCP who are all Bishops should not resort to black propaganda and misinformation to gain the support of the Catholics. Resorting to deceptive, false and distorted statements to convince the people to obey the priests and do what they want is wicked, sinful and evil. The CBCP threatening not to support any politician who will sponsor or vote for the enactment of the RH Bill next Elections is really laughable. Who cares about these crooked politicians anyway? Let them all go and burn in Hell! All these politicians did was to lie, cheat and steal; the Filipinos are better off without these pricks!

     I am a Catholic and I will always be one. But I don't agree and I won't accept the distorted interpretation of the Philippine Catholic Church and the CBCP's explanation about the proposed RH Bill. Let the couples make their own choice. God has given us the freedom to choose what is right and wrong, everybody should respect that. An artificial contraceptive prevents contraception and does not abort a baby unless you deliberately take medicines or undergo a medical procedure that is intended to kill or terminate the fetus. Condoms and pills prevent the sperm and the ovum from joining and fertilizing, if there is no fertilization taking place then there is nothing to abort and therefore there is no abortion. It's as simple as that.

     But the CBCP and the Catholic Church keep on distorting that facts and that pisses me off. The CBCP and the anti-RH Bill politicians can encourage the people to copulate, populate and keep on multiplying as long as they will provide all the financial support to feed, clothe and educate all of these children. It is not acceptable to keep on yapping and do nothing to alleviate the plight of the poor Filipinos. The CBCP should guarantee that they will take care of all the needs of all Filipino children from the first day of conception up to their adulthood and I tell you, every Filipino couple regardless of their faith will have as many kids as they can handle. Shame on these priests; instead of telling the truth and enlightening their flock, they are deliberately lying and misleading them. Remember, giving false testimony is violating one of God's 10 Commandments. "Thou shall not lie". Shame on you, priests!!!

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