
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

OFW Dies in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

     Another Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates died from heavy beating by her employers. The poor hapless Filipina domestic helper was maltreated, tortured and beaten up by her female employer who had just given birth. The OFW managed to escape her employers and was able to tell her horrifying story on a cell phone video before she died a few days later from brain injuries.

     Her story is no longer unique. Thousands of OFWs that work in the Middle East have been maltreated, tortured, raped and some are even killed by their employers. Most female domestic helpers are either raped by their male employers or beaten to death by their jealous female boss. Why? It’s because of the different culture and traditions in the Middle East.

     Most of the local females in the Middle East have no freedom from their country. They have to wear clothes to cover up most of their bodies to prevent anyone from looking at their female form. Marriage in these countries also means paying up a dowry to the female’s father and that usually meant that a new bride is bought by her husband so he has total control over her. So when a new “girl” (domestic helper) enters their home, the wife of the master naturally feels threatened by a new female. The "new" female is automatically regarded as the enemy of the wife who will seduce and steal her husband.

     Most Filipina domestic helpers are being attacked by their female employer because of jealousy and extreme hatred. Does that mean that our OFWs are safe from the male boss? Hell, no! The male boss will rape his worker (male or female) at the first opportunity that he gets!!! Yes, the Middle East is a very rich region because of the oil but when it comes to human rights and labor laws concerning OFWs, there still much to be improved.

     Just look at the 1,000 + OFWs camped out at the Philippine Embassy in Saudi Arabia. Despite the intense desert heat (+45C), these maltreated Filipinos would rather face the harsh weather conditions than go back to their employers who abused, maltreated or even molested them. They would rather go back home to the Philippines and face poverty than end up being battered and sodomized by their evil masters. They thought that they will find decent jobs in the Middle East but they got screwed, literally screwed! Yup, when you in the Middle East you better watch your ass or you will get sodomized in a flash!!!

     We can help these OFWs by voting for the honest leaders. Vote for leaders that will not pocket our taxes that lead to the jobless situation in our country.  Let’s not be swayed, duped, conned, tricked and fooled by these scumbag politicians that sing, dance and look good on political ads and rallies. Choose leaders that are honest and God fearing. Don’t keep on voting political dynasties or traditional politicians that only suck up all our taxes for their own benefits!!! These political pricks are the main reason why the Philippines is in deep poverty!

     These OFWs helped our economy when the whole world was in deep financial shit. They kept our economy afloat and our peso strong. It’s these millions of OFWs abroad that made our nation survive the Global Economic Crisis, not our corrupt political leaders. Although these Political Assholes keep on claiming the credit, it’s not them who kept our country from falling apart!!! It’s our turn to help these OFWs by changing the politicians that run our country so we can have jobs in our own land. It's about time that these OFWs come home to a better Philippines. Let's all stop being slaves and victims all over the world!

     Let’s all stop being STUPID voters on May 2013, let’s vote for those that really deserve to be our leaders….

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