
Friday, July 05, 2013

100 OFWs Rally in Saudi Arabia.

     About 100 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) rallied in front of the Philippine Embassy in Saudi Arabia to protest the slow, lengthy and ineffective action of the consulate personnel in helping stranded or maltreated Filipino workers.

     The OFWs were only airing their grievances to the Philippine Embassy Personnel about their inefficient performance but the Saudi Police did not take that lightly. The Saudi  Police tried to disperse the OFWs but when they refused, they were beaten up and 18 Filipinos were arrested and jailed for a day.

     I guess the OFWs thought that they were in a democratic country so they decided to hold a rally in front of the Philippine Embassy. That is a big mistake, Saudi Arabia is a country where its citizens; particularly its women and ordinary inhabitants have no rights. Foreigners, specially Filipino workers are also treated nastily and cruelly by the locals.

     Whoever planned that assembly is really stupid and witless. I mean, in a country where it does not respect its own women, beat up Filipina maids to death, rape and sodomize male and female OFWs; how could you expect the Saudi authorities to respect our rights as workers?

     OFWs all over the world are our unsung heroes for keeping our economy strong through their remittances so please do not use them as pawns in rallies and demonstrations in countries that do not respect the human rights of its own population. 

     The Middle East is a rich and powerful region because of their immense oil reserves but when it comes to civil liberties, it is simply non-existent. To our OFWs all over the world, please exercise caution and intelligence. Do not let anybody use or dupe you into such stupid and risky activities.

     Remember the maxim, "When you are in Rome, do what the Romans do" and "Do not go where Angels fear to thread" and you will be safe. Joining rallies in countries that don't respect their own people is really dull and reckless so please never make the same mistake again. want to end up in jail and enjoy being sodomized by a bunch of sex starved, bearded, malodorous and uncircumcised assholes, then you better organize and carry out your rallies here in our country where our right to assemble to air our grievances is accepted and guaranteed by our Constitution.

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