
Monday, November 12, 2012

Philippine Ambassador in Kuwait Accused of Frustrated Rape!

     The Philippine ambassador in Kuwait was recently accused by his Filipina maid of frustrated rape. Ambassador Shulan Primavera who is supposed to help, care and protect the rights and well-being of our Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Kuwait is doing more than what is expected from him. He is not only working hard in our Embassy in Kuwait for our OFWs security, safety and welfare but he is also trying his very best to get laid. I guess he believes that "All work and no play will make Shulan's pecker a lonely dick!"

     So is this what the taxpayers get from our Ambassadors abroad after paying their high end salaries and expenditures? Mind you, this horny prick is an Ambassador and I bet he gets a big salary as well as a huge budget for expensive residences, nice cars, expensive clothes, jewelries, plenty of good food, wine, etc. So what else does he need to complete the almost perfect set-up? Well, I guess he desperately needs to get laid to satisfy his lust!!! So who is the best victim for his throbbing hard-on? Why not his own Filipina maid!

     According to the complainant, whom the authorities have decided to keep her identity secret; the Ambassador was very nice and gentle to her ever since she started working as his domestic helper after she escaped from her previous employers who were extremely cruel to her. The Ambassador was so kind and gentle at first but then as time passed by, he started treating her more and more intimately and even started caressing her, touching waist and back and later on, touching her breasts. The victim also alleged that the horny asshole even asked her to take off her bra and to perform oral sex on him! The victim said Ambassador Shula Primavera asked her several times if she knows how to give a horny guy like him a really good blow job!!!

     Jesus Christ!!! Do you believe this animal? Instead of protecting the rights of the OFWs abroad, this asshole is craving for an intensely satisfying blow job from his house help! Is this asswipe really that sex starved and horny after all those years working in the Middle East? Of course, the good ambassador denied all the accusations against him. He said after serving the Government for more than 40 years, his record of good performance will prove his innocence. But another one of his house maids confirmed the allegations of sexual abuses, this house help is backing the other maid all the way to court.

     I guess after 40 years of great Government Service, Ambassador Shula Primavera does deserve a good blowjob....from Lolong, the giant crocodile that was ever caught in the Philippines! I bet Lolong will give Ambassador Shula Primavera a good head!!!


  1. I wrote a comment on your article why you deleted?

  2. All right I'll write it again:
    Have you ever heard of false accusation of rape??Now is a kind of fashion of women crying raaaaape!!!Take a look on the Internet! A man is innocent until proved guilty!I did not heard that the ambassador was convicted so is better not to hurry to conclusions.
    Do you have any ideea of how it is to be considered a rapist when you are not????
    I'm sure you don't!!
    Well, let me tell you something: I do!!!

    A women who's husband was falsely accused of rape and cleared by a sane judge thanks to God!!!

  3. I never deleted your comment it's the first time that I've read this. If you were cleared by a judge then well and good but the case of the Philippine Ambassador is different from yours. The woman who filed a case against the Ambassador had 3 or 4 witnesses that saw how the she was molested, did any body witness you as you were allegedly raping your wife? I don't think so.

    I bet it was your wife's word against yours, so the Ambassador accused of trying to molest or rape his maid is entirely different from yours.

    Thanks for your comments...
