Here's a bit of good news for a change! The Social Security System (SSS) has finally restored the discontinued SSS pensions of thousands of Senior Citizens in the country. I personally found this out after getting my mother's monthly retirement allowance from the bank a few days ago to buy her medications. Like most of the Senior Citizens of this country and all over the world, my mother is also old, weak and sickly due to diabetes and after suffering a stroke last year. Her monthly pension was mostly used to buy her medicines and vitamins which are rather expensive even with the Generics Medicine Law in effect and to pay for her regular medical check-ups.
SSS Pensioners don't receive much allowance and it is not enough to support their basic needs. I am not a rich person and because of this I cannot fully provide for my mother's medical requirements so her monthly pension is very important to maintain her fragile state of health. When her pension was suddenly cut-off 3 months ago, I had to borrow money from relatives who are also cash strapped....So you can imagine our anxiety and apprehension when my mom's allowance was stopped without any warning or reason because the dumb and lazy assed Phil Post failed to deliver the SSS notice ordering her to show up at the bank to prove that she is still alive and well.
Apparently, a lot of diseased SSS pensioners are still "mysteriously" claiming their monthly allowance so the SSS Administration decided to purge and clean up their system. Now they have probably rooted out the "zombies" and "ghost pensioners" that have already died a long time ago yet are still capable of collecting their monthly pensions. Lol. It was a good idea to clean up the master list of pensioners of illegal claimants but the shit hit the fan when the Phil Post failed to deliver all notices to the legitimate SSS members. The SSS also screwed up when it didn't use the services of various print, radio and TV stations all over the country to air the notice ordering the Senior Citizens to report to the banks where they usually claim their allowances.
As a result of these 2 great blunders, even legitimate old SSS pensioners were cut-off from accessing their own money from their bank accounts! It took 3 long months of insufficient medicines, vitamins as well as 3 long months of postponed important medical check-ups before the SSS finally gave back my mother's monthly allowance. 3 long, agonizing months!!! As one of my blog reader said, maybe this is the way Pres. Noynoy Aquino wants to help improve the lives of the Filipino people; by getting rid of the old folks first and then wait and see what's the next dumb idea that comes into mind. Yup, maybe Noynoy wants to stop the SSS pensions for legitimate old members for 3 long months, let them sit and wait without their rightful money to buy their food, medicines and other basic needs so that when they all eventually croak and die, they will finally end up in heaven and experience paradise!!! Yes indeed, everything sucks in our screwed up Government! It really, really sucks!!!
SSS Pensioners don't receive much allowance and it is not enough to support their basic needs. I am not a rich person and because of this I cannot fully provide for my mother's medical requirements so her monthly pension is very important to maintain her fragile state of health. When her pension was suddenly cut-off 3 months ago, I had to borrow money from relatives who are also cash strapped....So you can imagine our anxiety and apprehension when my mom's allowance was stopped without any warning or reason because the dumb and lazy assed Phil Post failed to deliver the SSS notice ordering her to show up at the bank to prove that she is still alive and well.
Apparently, a lot of diseased SSS pensioners are still "mysteriously" claiming their monthly allowance so the SSS Administration decided to purge and clean up their system. Now they have probably rooted out the "zombies" and "ghost pensioners" that have already died a long time ago yet are still capable of collecting their monthly pensions. Lol. It was a good idea to clean up the master list of pensioners of illegal claimants but the shit hit the fan when the Phil Post failed to deliver all notices to the legitimate SSS members. The SSS also screwed up when it didn't use the services of various print, radio and TV stations all over the country to air the notice ordering the Senior Citizens to report to the banks where they usually claim their allowances.
As a result of these 2 great blunders, even legitimate old SSS pensioners were cut-off from accessing their own money from their bank accounts! It took 3 long months of insufficient medicines, vitamins as well as 3 long months of postponed important medical check-ups before the SSS finally gave back my mother's monthly allowance. 3 long, agonizing months!!! As one of my blog reader said, maybe this is the way Pres. Noynoy Aquino wants to help improve the lives of the Filipino people; by getting rid of the old folks first and then wait and see what's the next dumb idea that comes into mind. Yup, maybe Noynoy wants to stop the SSS pensions for legitimate old members for 3 long months, let them sit and wait without their rightful money to buy their food, medicines and other basic needs so that when they all eventually croak and die, they will finally end up in heaven and experience paradise!!! Yes indeed, everything sucks in our screwed up Government! It really, really sucks!!!