Filipina fitness trainer in Kuwait was mercilessly beaten up by a Kuwaiti policeman
a few days ago. The victim’s name was withheld for fear of more punishment from
the Kuwaiti authorities. The incident arose when the Filipina was renewing her
work papers at a government office there and she fell into an argument with an
Egyptian messenger. The Egyptian couldn’t speak any decent English and the
Filipina couldn’t understand his Arabic so they both ended up disagreeing.
Egyptian messenger went out of the building and came back with a Kuwaiti policeman,
who immediately tried to arrest the Filipina woman. The Filipina fitness
trainer again tried to explain to the policeman that she was only renewing her
work permit but the Kuwaiti policeman also cannot speak or understand English so he dragged her by the hair. When the
Filipina started screaming and struggling to free herself from the policeman,
the cop started kicking, punching and beating her up to a bloody pulp!
Filipina ended up with two broken arms, a busted kneecap and heavily battered
face and body. She is now hospitalized for her massive injuries in a Kuwaiti
infirmary. Philippine Embassy and Labor officials are now investigating her
case and promised to help her. I hope Philippine Embassy and Labor personnel
would not force the victim to have sex or to force her into prostitution before
they would extend any assistance as reported a few weeks earlier about the “fly
for sex” scam in the Middle East.
this just shows that being a rich nation doesn’t necessarily mean that people
there are well educated and cultured. The Philippines may be a third world
country but at least most Filipinos are well-informed, educated and cultivated.
Imagine, a cop dragging a woman by her hair and then beating her up? Isn’t that
a characteristic of a caveman? Yes,
folks. They stink, they reek, they have no respect for women and they sodomize
each other. I’d rather live in poverty here in the Philippines than settle in their rich but barbaric nation.
Please get you're facts straight before you decide to write something about a incident. Yes she was beaten but not the way you are saying and it was not because of the language barrier. she speaks perfect Arabic. I know the case and your fact are distorded.