
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good Old Frankie D.

     Good old Sen. Franklin Drilon, a veteran senator (they're all veterans because they never want to give up their posts :)) and as always, a brilliant politician. Yup, he's always on the limelight, never misses the chance to shine. Politicians, they all crave the media attention, heck, they are more media hungry than the actors and actresses in Hollywood!

      I remenber quite clearly during the last impeachment trial of Former Pres. Joseph "Erap" Estrada, Sen. Frankie was also a senator at that time ( no mystery to that, a certified Trapo or Traditional Politician never let's go of his post, "Kapit-Tuko" or "Grips like a Gecko") and he was anti-Erap then. He was openly crying his eyes out when the trial failed to open the envelop which allegedly contained vital pieces of evidence to the truth about who really is Jose Velarde ( crap, every tubero, carpentero, sorbetero, latero, juetengero, sabungero, etc. knew it was Erap's alias), you know, the mystery name which holds millions or billions of pesos worth of bank accounts.

      Yes, he was crying like a baby along with then Sen. Pepe Pimentel and Sen. Loren legarda, who were all anti-Erap then. Least you guys forget, they were all with Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo who was the Vice-President in those days. They called themselves the "Opposition".

       So after showing on national TV that he could bawl like a bear, the Filipino people started amassing in EDSA and started the EDSA 2 Revolution which later kicked out Erap and his family from Malacanang. Gloria Arroyo was installed as President although the people wanted the Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilario Davide at that moment to become President of the Republic of the Philippines because nobody trusted Tita Glo that she won't lie, cheat and steal too. But alas, it wasn't meant to be, Gloria Arroyo became President ( amidst the cat calls and boos of the people in EDSA ) and it was, as expected, hell all over again for the Filipino people and heaven on Earth for the Arroyos and their cohorts.

       As they often say, if you're really lucky, you'll get everything you want in a silver platter and if you're out of luck, then you're in deep shit. Yes sir, the Filipinos were in deep shit all over again with Gloria Arroyo in Malacanang. They say if you break a mirror, its 7 yars bad luck, I wonder how many mirrors did the Filipinos break? We've been having bad luck with our Presidents since Ferdinand Marcos became our leader and that was in the late 1960's!

       After Gloria's success in EDSA 2, Sen. Frankie was so happy with the company of Tita Glo that when people started criticizing her administration, Frankie said to her that she could move Malacanang to his home province in Iloilo. Frankie said that in public and in front of the media, so there video footages of that event. To me, Frankie looked like a puppy who just got a cookie from his master and he was happily wagging his tail. ( "Tuta ni Tita Glo" sounds nice eh? ) My, my, the things people say and do just to kiss some powerful person's ass.

       A few years later of Gloria's rule in Malacanang ( as always ), the people who used to worship her began to turn their backs on her and eventually bit her in the ass. Frankie, Pepe and Loren who were one of the many politicians who helped kick  Erap out of power were now in alliance with him again. Their main objective now was to oust Gloria, they called themselves, as usual, "The United opposition". So it just proves that in politics, there are no permanent enemies, no permanent friends and no permanent alliances.

       In politics, the only permanent people are the....TRAITORS, TURNCOATS or the BALIMBINGS! Because they are always in the best position no matter who's in Malacanang. So I really love good old Frankie and the politicians just like him, they never cease to amaze me. I wonder whose ass he's going to kiss now and then bite later on. :) Do you wanna guess?





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