
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Chinese Gov't. Pleased after RP Ships leave Scarborough Shoal.

     The Chinese Government was reportedly pleased after 2 Philippine ships patrolling the disputed Scarborough Shoal left the area. This was according to the latest news about the China-RP row over the disputed Spratly's Islands. The 2 ships were consisted of a dilapidated and antiquated Navy warship and a research vessel from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR).

     Maybe the RP ships have to withdraw due to lack of fuel and food supplies but I'm just guessing, it's always been a character trait of the Filipinos to quickly lose interest in something that won't provide instant benefits. I guess it's because our country lacks the funds to finance these patrols, thanks to our corrupt Politicians and Police/Military Top Brass who pocket most of the funds allocated for our country. It's also a ship that were talking about and if we can't even have our Police patrol cars scour our streets to prevent crime due to lack of fuel (again fuel allotment is pocketed by the assholes in Government) what more about 2 ships?

     So for now the Chinks have won the battle of who will blink first at patrolling the Scarborough Shoal, let's all give them Chinks a warm applause! But a victory against a poor, weak and toothless nation like the Philippines is not really a feat worth celebrating about. The whole world knows that China is a lot bigger and more powerful than our country in terms of land mass, economy, military might and of course, population. It's really an empty victory if you ask my opinion.

     I can compare it to Goliath laughing at an ordinary man whom he just defeated, nobody really cares since he's a giant so his victory is always expected. But when David, the poor, little shepherd boy vanquished Goliath with just a slingshot and chopped his head off with Goliath's own humongous sword, the Jews made David their King.

     So let the Chinks celebrate their shallow victory for now. The whole world and the International Community is still watching what this new superpower want to be is going to do in the next few years. We all know that China is one of the human rights violators in our modern world and the United Nations have a hard-on for countries that violate human rights. Don't worry Pinoys. We are not alone against a bully like China....

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