
Monday, June 25, 2012

RP to Loan $1Billion to IMF???

     This story is surely going to raise a lot of eyebrows. My beloved country the Philippines, a third world nation, a country which is run by corrupt, immoral, crooked politicians and public officials, a country which used to be in deep, deep financial debt/crisis or shit, a republic where most affluent, powerful and rich nations look down upon, scorn, ridicule, disrespect and spit on is lending the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 1 Billion US Dollars. Yup, $1Billion or Php42Billion!

     Why? The powers that be in my country said the Philippine Government is  loaning the money to the IMF to help keep the world economy afloat and to help the European nations that are in bad economic shape. Do you believe this news? I must admit I have difficulty believing it myself. My beloved country the Philippines which is full of asshole Politicians and asswipe Government Leaders, my motherland that is in deep economic shit for so many decades, my nation which used to be in such a poor state of financial health due to GRAFT & CORRUPTION that it is always on the brink of ending up in the sewers is now rich and debt free?

     Is this the reality or I am dreaming a beautiful and satisfying vision or is it just a hunger induced hallucination? Maybe this is just a wet dream and we all have to wake up from  sooner than we think. Seriously though, the Government said we have a lot of dollar reserves in our Central Bank (CB), more than $77Billion and the CB said we already paid all our foreign debts so does that makes us now the "new rich dude in town" and no longer the "very sick and dying man of Asia?"

     So we are ending the IMF $1Billion and we have even started giving out loans to European nations whose economies are in really bad shape. Yup, countries like Ireland which vandalized and burned Filipino houses and cars when the recession hit their country. The Irish hated the Filipinos working and living there for having nice homes and cars and jobs. It's okay, we Pinoys are a humble and forgiving people so let's help those who are in need even if they have always treated us like scabies-infected dogs when they were still rich.

     You guys probably know that the US and most parts of Europe are in a very, very bad economic recession; most economic experts in their country even call it now as DEPRESSION since it's really, really the worst one that they have experienced for so many decades. Some experts (again from their side of the world) even predict that it maybe the end of the rich and powerful nations! Yup, just like what happened to ancient Egypt and Rome, the most wealthy and powerful nations in  ancient time, both just crumbled and faded away....Millions of people in the US and in Europe have no jobs and lost their homes and properties. Parents in Greece are even giving up their kids for adoption because they can't feed them!

     Economic and financial experts in the US and in Europe have predicted that this depression will go on for many more years and that it will get a lot, lot worse. These same economic gurus also said that the economy in the Asian Region will flourish and experience unprecedented growth! I hope that these economic specialists are not just yanking our chain and jerking us off. I hope to God our country will rise up from the ashes and flourish once more just like the mythological bird, Phoenix.

     The Phoenix is a mythological bird in ancient mythology, a bird which resembled an eagle that lived for 500 years and then burned itself to death on a pyre whose ashes another Phoenix arose. It commonly appears in literature as a symbol of death and resurrection. The Philippines was once a great nation before that prick of a President, Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. came to power and taught all Politicians, Government Personnel, Police and Military Officers and recruits to lie. cheat and steal. Our country was the first in the whole Asian Region before World War II, before Marcos came to power and became president; after which he raped, sodomized and plundered our nation and shoved our country face down into a filthy, stinking toilet overflowing with poverty, corruption and human rights violations.

     Oh, FYI; Marcos Sr. was willingly helped by Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile (then Defense Minister), Cong. Jose "Yoda" De Venecia, Sen. Rene "Companero" Cayetano (thank God he's dead but his 2 kids, Peter and Pia are both Senators. Barf!!!), Lucio Tan, Danding Cojuangco and all other Marcos cronies too many to mention. Oh yeah, they all enjoyed screwing, raping, sodomizing our country and our people that's why they all got so filthy rich, powerful and famous while majority of us Filipinos are so poor and destitute!

     Well, screw them all too! I HOPE OUR COUNTRY RISES UP AGAIN FROM THE ASHES AND ALL POOR AND DECENT FILIPINOS WILL SHARE THE SAME EQUAL BENEFITS. Let's all pray too that all these Marcos Cronies, their kids, grand kids and great, great grand kids; hell, even their cats and dogs all croak so their legacy of evilness, greediness and corruption will finally be over!!!

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