
Monday, April 30, 2012

More Teenage Girls Getting Knocked Out in R.P.

     A recent news item said that more and more teenage girls are getting pregnant these past few years. As matter of fact the latest survey said that there is a 70% increase in teenage pregnancies now than in 1996 and that should be a cause for concern for everyone. Getting knocked out as a teenage is no laughing matter because it will certainly prevent these young mothers from continuing their studies and becoming a young parent is not really an easy task. Hell, being an old and mature parent is not even an easy job!

     Research showed that the main cause of these early pregnancies are the teenagers curiosity with sex, the lack or inadequate sex education provided in schools and the aggressive sexual behavior of teenagers. I guess these kids want to know all about sex but don't know squat about what to do to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Now, as a result we have a lot of adolescent mothers out there.

     I think we have to thank the Catholic Church for that because the clergy always fought the Governments' Reproductive Health Bill from being enacted into law. The priests always compare the contraceptive methods as similar to abortion which is really a different thing. Sometimes even the clergy resort to scare tactics to control its followers but that won't work, not in these times. Maybe during the Dark Ages it would work well but not now.

     Contraceptive means a device used to prevent fertilization of an egg; like a condom worn by a man during intercourse or a pill taken regularly by a woman. Whereas, abortion means a operation or other intervention to end a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from a womb. Source: Encarta Premium) See? There is a humongous difference between the two.

     We can also thank the Government for being wishy-washy about enacting the RH Bill and the Divorce Law, thanks again to the priests, our country is the only place in the world that has no divorce. It's not easy messing around with the Catholic Church in the Philippines where most of its citizens are predominantly Catholic but count me out. I'm Catholic but what I do inside my bedroom is my business and no preacher can mess around with that, I think most Catholic couples think that way too.

     So who's the worst affected by the Catholic Church's refusal to accept the RH Bill and the Governments' indecisiveness to implement it? It's always the young kids that suffer most; all they wanted was to know more about the birds and the bees and then boom! Little Bambino or Bambina is coming out after 9 months! That's when they resort to abortion, which is a million times worse than contraception.

     The bottom line is this, enact the RH Bill and the Divorce Bill and don't worry too much about what the Catholic Church says, contraception is different from abortion and it's better to divorce your former spouse before going into another marital or sexual relationship because that is called bigamy and fornication. Which is a lot, lot worse if you ask me.


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