
Friday, February 10, 2012

Corporate Greed at its Best!

     Prudential Life Plans have recently announced that it will stop paying its Educational and Pension plan holders their premiums. It appears that the pre-need company is near bankruptcy and more 300 thousand plan holders are affected. To put it simply, the poor folks who religiously, honestly, dutifully and unfailingly paid their pre-need plans for so many years will get nothing, naught, nil, zippo, zip, zilch for all their sacrifices. In short, they got screwed!

     News reports say that the owners of Prudential Life invested most of their loot, I mean money abroad and were lost due to the Global Financial Meltdown. Probably true but the owners would never admit to squandering most the plan holders hard earned cash in buying expensive sports cars, luxurious mansions here and abroad, lavish jewelries that would put Imelda Marcos' "bling-blings" to shame and many other lifestyles for the rich and famous.

     Yup, the Prudential Company went broke because of the mismanagement or mishandling of the company's funds by the owners. They probably thought it was all their money to spend, like it was their God given gift, "Manna from Heaven" just for them to enjoy. A classic example of "Corporate Greed" which caused the economy of the most powerful and richest nations to collapse into nothing more than a pile of shit.

     And who are the worst affected by these gluttony and self-indulgence? Who else but the poor, honest, hard-working and God-fearing people who were only trying their best to make things right for their family. It's always the decent and morally upright people who are always victimized by these evil Corporate Scumbags!!!!

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